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Types of functional powder coatings
The powder coating is a new type of solvent-free 100% solid powder coating. Has a solvent-free, non-polluting, recyclable, environmentally friendly, saving energy and resources, and reduce labor intensity and the film mechanical strength. The coating form and the formation of the coating solids of up to 100%, because they do not use solvents, thereby reducing environmental pollution, conserve resources and recyclable characteristics. The functional powder coating is a special function, surface coating materials to provide for special purposes. It not only canRead More …
The significance of particle size distribution analsis for powder coating
laser particle size analyzer test results: Average particle size (median diameter), the boundary of particle size and particle size distribution of the dispersion. The average size of the sample is less than and greater than 50% of particles. The boundary particle size: closer to the common sense to the maximum and minimum particle size. However, the maximum and minimum particle size to describe the upper and lower limits of the sample particle size unscientific, it is generally the boundary particleRead More …
D523-08 Standard text method for specular gloss
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D523; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval . A superscripl epsilon indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense . 1.Scope This test method covers the measurement of theRead More …
Out-gas and adhesion problems in powder coat zinc casting
zinc casting can be powder coated. A cast part will have porosity that may cause blemishes in the coating at high temperature. Air that is trapped near the surface may expand and rupture the film during the cure process. There are several ways to mitigate the issue. You can preheat the part to drive off some of the trapped air that causes the problem. Heat the part to a temperature about 50°F greater than the cure temperature, cool it down, andRead More …
Introduction of Plasticizers in Coating Formulations
Plasticizers are used to control the film formation process of coatings based on physically drying film forming materials. Proper film formation is essential in order to meet demands on specific coating properties such as dry film appearance, substrate adhesion, elasticity, in combination with high level of hardness at the same time. Plasticizers function by reducing film formation temperature and elasticize the coating; plasticizers work by embedding themselves between the chains of polymers, spacing them apart (increasing the “free volume”), andRead More …
Elements of a burning explosion of powder coating
The following aspects are the factors that cause the burning explosion of powder coating: (A) The dust concentration exceeds the lower limit For these reasons, resulting in the powder room or workshop dust concentrations exceed the lower explosive limit, so that the formation of the main conditions of the powder combustion and explosion, if moderate sources of ignition, it is very likely to produce combustion and explosion. (B) Powder and paint shop to mix In some factories, due to lessRead More …