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Anti-reflective coating is a type of optical coating applied to optical devices to reduce reflection

Anti-reflective coating or antireflection (AR) coatings are a type of optical coating applied to the surface of lenses and other optical devices to reduce reflection. This improves the efficiency of the system since less light is lost. In complex systems such as a telescope, the reduction in reflections also improves the contrast of the image by elimination of stray light. This is especially important in planetary astronomy. In other applications, the primary benefit is the elimination of the reflection itself, suchRead More …

What is Polyurea coating and Polyurethane Coatings

Polyurea coating is basically a two-component system based on Amine terminated prepolymer crosslinked with Isocyanate which forms the urea linkages. The crosslinking between reactive polymers take place at a rapid speed at ambient temperature. Normally this reaction does not require any catalyst. Since the Pot-life of such coating is within seconds; special type of Plural Component spray gun is require to carry out the application. The coatings can build up to 500 to 1000 microns of thickness in a singleRead More …

Breif introduction of Fusion bonded epoxy powder coating

  Related Products : FBE Powder Coating Related Articles: FBE Powder Coating Fusion bonded epoxy coating, also known as fusion-bond epoxy powder coating and commonly referred to as FBE coating, is an epoxy based powder coating that is widely used to protect steel pipe used in pipeline construction, concrete reinforcing bars (rebar) and on a wide variety of piping connections, valves etc. from corrosion. FBE coatings are thermoset polymer coatings. They come under the category of ‘protective coatings’ in paints andRead More …

What is Moisture-cured polyurethane

Moisture-cured polyurethane is one-part polyurethane that its cure is initiatedly environmental moisture. The moisture-curable polyurethane is mainly consists of isocyanate-terminated pre-polymer. Various types of pre-polymer can be used to provide required property. For instance, isocyanate-terminated polyether polyols are used to provide good flexibility due to their low glass transition temperature. Combining soft segment, such as polyether, and hard segment, such as polyurea, provides good hardness and flexibility of coatings. Moreover, the properties are also controlled by selecting types of isocyanatesRead More …

The binder,referred to as the vehicle,is the actual film forming component of paint

The binder, commonly referred to as the vehicle, is the actual film forming component of paint. It is the only component that must be present; other components listed below are included optionally, depending on the desired properties of the cured film. The binder imparts adhesion, binds the pigments together, and strongly influences such properties as gloss potential, exterior durability, flexibility, and toughness. Binders include synthetic or natural resins such as acrylics, polyurethanes, polyesters, melamine resins, epoxy, or oils. Binders canRead More …

Masking tapes to cover the finishing needs during coating process

There is a full range of masking products to cover the finishing needs, masking caps, plugs and hooks to tapes and masking dots. Masking tape is a type of pressure sensitive tape made of a thin and easy-to-tear paper, and an easily released pressure sensitive adhesive. It is available in a variety of widths. It is used mainly in painting, to mask off areas that should not be painted. The adhesive is the key element to its usefulness, as itRead More …

Differential scanning calorimetry for coating curing

Via the DSC technique it can be verified if the coating is sufficiently cured or not. The DSC is a technique verifying how much energy is needed to have no temperature difference between the substance in test phase and the referential material, determined in according to time and temperature, when two specimen are submitted to identical temperature conditions in a controlled warm or cooled environment. First of all, the thermal history of the material is disturbed by the fast coolRead More …

Production process of powder coatings

Premix  The different dry raw materials (resin, hardener, pigment, additive, filler) are weighed in exact quantity and put in a container. This container will be tumbled or mixed during a determined time so that the raw materials are well mixed. A rather homogeneous distribution is obtained. The container is brought to the extruder, after control on homogeneity. Extrusion In the extruder, ingredients are warmed up to a sort of paste, mixed and kneaded. On molecular scale resin and hardener willRead More …

Five categories of additives in the compostion of powder coatings

This collective name for a big group of additives, to realise determined properties of the coating.5 categories exist : Accelerators (to accelerate the reaction of the curing system) Degassing additives (to let escape enclosed gases through the pores of the coating by opening them longer) Thixotropic additives (to resist sagging outs = viscosity regulator) Flow-control agent (to improve the flow on the surface) Matting agent (to reduce the gloss of powder coatings)

Chemical stripping solutions for removing powder coating

Chemical stripping solutions is an common and efficent way for removing powder coating and e-coatng. Benefits. A chemical stripping process can be done in-plant at considerably less expense than the burn-off and the abrasive-media blasting methods, which require higher equipment, energy, and media costs than chemical stripping requires. Chemical stripping operates at moderate temperatures, usually 150°F to 200°F, which keeps energy costs down. Chemical stripping also leaves the original surface of the racks intact and very clean after a freshwater rinse.Read More …