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How to remove powder coating and electro-deposition coating
Many methods have been used to remove powder coating and electro-deposition coating from production hooks,racks,and fixtures. Abrasive-media blasting Benefits. Abrasive-media blasting is a common method used in the finishing industry to clean electro-deposition and powder coatings deposits from racks. Abrasive-media blasting provides adequate cleaning and coating removal. One of the benefits of rack cleaning with abrasive media is any rust or oxidation that may be present is removed with the coating, and this is accomplished at ambient, or room, temperature. Concerns. Using abrasive mediaRead More …
Some ingredients may influence the antibacterial performance
Presence of some ingredients in the formulation may influence the antibacterial performance of silver additives.Some antioxidants, imdidazole derivatives and fillers like calcium carbonate may influence the antibacterial performance of powder.One more suspect is barium sulphate which might spoil the activity of silver because sulphur has a feature which reacts with silver easily. As silver ions have a tendency to react with atmosphere sulphur and exchange the ions it may have some impact. However our present experiments show good performance withRead More …
Coating thickness and silver addivtive dosage effect the antimicrobial performance
Dry film thickness of coatings Silver additive is necessary to expose appropriately on the top surface of the coated components for better antibacterial performance. Migration of antibacterial agent to the surface of the coatings is most important to achieve the best antibacterial protection. However this migration depends on number of factors such as thickness of the coatings, binder content, recipe of formulation, dosage level of antibacterial agent, degree of cross linking, cross reaction of antibacterial agent with other ingredients(i.e. disturbanceRead More …
Mechanism of silver technology used in antibacterial powder coating
For the present study inorganic antibacterial agent silver type is used. Five different types of silver additives are tried. The silver additives used is a composite of active silver ions, sodium ions and other ions (e.g. Zn). In some additives silver is embedded into a base material such as zeolite & glass matrix etc. Silver ion is a natural inorganic antibacterial agent which is effective in fighting against bacteria, fungi& moulds. Silver ion is generally preferred for its a. BacterialRead More …
Bright Application scopes for antibacterial powder coating
Why Antibacterial powder coating Antibacterial and anti mould properties are required when powder coating are used to such applications that coated objects are contacted with number of people and in the fields of foods, medical care and sanitation etc. Antibacterial powder coating helps to fight against disease and infection; the system also stops the growth of bacteria and fungi. The advantages of this technology are It doesn’t require any additional capital investment and the conventional extrusion and dry blending operationRead More …
How to select Antibacterial agent for antibacterial coatings
Selection of Antibacterial agent Number of antibacterial agents and fungicides are available for antibacterial powder coating. However it can be broadly classified into three types, each type of additive has its own advantages and some disadvantages. Natural antibacterial agent: They are difficult to handle as they posses relatively low boiling point. Organic antibacterial agent: Though these additives are compatible with the resins they have a problem of low stability so that their efficiency is lost during the melting stage. InorganicRead More …
The UV radiation-curing process is based on two chemistries
The radiation-curing process is based on two chemistries: the radical polymerization of unsaturated oligomers (mainly acrylate functionalized) and the cationic polymerization reaction of cycloaliphatic epoxides and vinyl ether. Typical liquid radiation-curing formulations are composed of oligomers, reactive diluents, photoinitiators and additives, the general performance of the final coating mainly influenced by the oligomers. The oligomers are characterized by a relatively low molecular weight (between 500 and 5,000 daltons) and are based on different types of backbones: epoxyacrylates, urethane acrylates, polyestersRead More …
Motivation for using UV powder coating technology
UV powder coating users were asked to prioritize their key motivations for using the technology. Speed is the number-one answer, cited for its contributions to improved productivity, lower costs and its ultimate effect of raising manufacturing capacity. Environmental compliance used to be the prime motivator for using the technology but, while still important, ranked lower in the most recent survey. Respondents stressed that the use of UV is based on business decisions related to profitability and value, and because inRead More …
Hollow Microspheres use in coatings
Use in Coatings Uniform spherical-shaped microspheres have lower surface area then irregular fillers and extender pigments, which means a lower resin demand. Another benefit to the spherical shape is the ability to roll past one another, hence there is minimal impact on viscosity when they are added to a liquid. As coatings are manufactured on weight basis and sold on volume basis, microspheres are used to increase the solid content of a coating, maintaining application and flow properties. Higher-volume solidsRead More …
Annual maintenance and inspection schedule for powder coating oven
Annual maintenance and inspection schedule Many plants shut down annually to do system checks that are too time-consuming to do during the production year. Review your manufacturer’s recommendations for manufacturer’s recommendations for annual inspection , adjustment, and replacement of components in the following oven areas: Ignition,burner,combustion air supply,flame failure system,combustion controls,pipes and wires,thermocouples, automatic fire suppression, operating sequences. If a component is suspect,replace it right away instead of waiting until it fails during production. Annual maintenance should not be takenRead More …